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Swiss Recovery Systems Turkiye hakkında tüm merak edilenleri bu başlık altında bulabilirsiniz.

The wasted collected from houses, workplaces that do not produce industrial waste, picnic areas, parks, and gardens and all wastes that are not classified as hazardous wastes are called domestic wastes.

According to 2006 data, organic wastes constitute almost 35% of the domestic wastes collected. Intensive separating and recycling efforts are kept on glass, metal, and paper wastes that constitute the remaining wastes in our country. However, there is no significant investment in organic wastes.

Compost production from domestic wastes, which comes to our agenda with the rising organic nutrition trend, is realized at the level of individual enterprises.

Compost is the natural and organic fertilizer formed by decomposition and decaying of plant and animal wastes in a humid environment.

Compost is used to enrich the soil in the field of agriculture. The soil using compost fertilizer is better aired and better cultivated, and also its water retention capacity increases.

  • The SRST recycling machine completes the process of 300 kg of domestic waste in 2 cycles in 24 hours. During the operation of the machine for 12 hours, 6 process areas are formed.
    In the 1st process area of the machine:
    The temperature rises and waste foods are slowly mixed and crushed. The viscosity of the waste foods in the boiler increases slowly. In other words, the fluidity of the waste foods decreases and the water in the waste foods evaporates and passes into the boiler air as water vapor.
    In the 2nd process area of the machine:
    The waste food is at the drying stage at the factory set operating temperature. Continuous drying and dehydration (water loss) of the waste food is ensured. The moisture in the waste food is reduced smoothly and the viscosity remains constant.
    In the 3rd process area of the machine:
    An advanced drying phase is carried out. The volume of the waste foods decreases considerably at this stage and the viscosity increases rapidly.
    In the 4th process area of the machine:
    The moisture of the waste foods rapidly decreases to 8% or 10% level. The viscosity of waste foods is in its maximum value. The waste food mass is sticky and dry. (If the processed waste food is only fish or meat, the stickiness and dryness are less.) At this point, the torque required for the machine is at the highest value.
    In the 5th process area of the machine:
    The process in the critical sections is completed. The waste food particles gradually turn into powder. The temperature continues to be controlled. The material in the boiler starts to draw less heat from the thermal oil heaters. Therefore, the temperature control in the boiler is subject to oscillations of greater amplitude. (Due to their excessive fat content, the oscillation amplitudes are less in food waste consisting of fish and meat.)
    In the 6th process area of the machine:
    The alarm temperature is reached due to the increase in the oil temperature. The machine starts the cooling cycle. The heaters are deactivated. The mixer in the boiler continues to rotate. The factory setting of the cooling cycle can be changed. There is another way to switch to the cooling cycle. Although waste foods are dried, materials and food wastes in the boiler can naturally absorb more energy. Therefore, the maximum operating time is set to 12 hours as the factory setting. After this 12 hours, the machine will automatically start cooling.

Our machines are produced in the Turkish domestic industry with 100% national capital together with our local business partners by using Swiss technology and know-how.

There are 3 types of machines.

  • Household type (1-2 kg)
  • Medium-scale (45 kg)
  • Large-scale (300 kg)

Considering our medium-scale machine, it can recycle 300 kg of organic waste into organic fertilizer in as short as 24 hours with a high proportion of as much as 20%-30%. Also, water is obtained with a yield rate of 70%-80%, thus 300 kg of garbage caused by organic waste is fully recycled.

First of all, it is aimed to reduce the usage area of chemical fertilizer by using organic fertilizer in agriculture. In this way, it is aimed to support the production of higher quality products.

$ 1.3 billion worth of fertilizer was imported only in 2017. With the increase in the input of organic fertilizers provided, it is aimed to eliminate the need for imported fertilizers in the short term and to export organic fertilizers in the long term. Thus, it is aimed to contribute directly to the national economy.